Different Types Of HRT | Donaldson Plastic Surgery-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


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通过 博士. Marguerite Weston |

The Different Types Of HRT

Understanding Various Methods Of Hormone Replacement Therapy

There are multiple methods you will find when researching the different types of HRT. A majority of my patients initially think of estrogen, 孕酮, testosterone when discussing hormone replacement therapy. 我们提供这些澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网,我们也经常使用脱氢表雄酮,孕烯醇酮和甲状腺激素.

For the purpose of this exploration, 我们将只关注雌激素和黄体酮的选择. 准备好开始了? 让我们去!

Quick Buzzwords: Bioidentical And Synthetic

  1. Synthetic Hormones: 化学改变的激素与我们体内自然产生的激素分子结构不同.
  2. Bioidentical Hormones: artificial hormones that have an identical molecular structure when compared to our own naturally occurring hormones; they are lab-made and are typically derived from plant compounds.

At Donaldson Plastic Surgery, we use FDA-approved bioidentical hormones first, utilizing a patient’s pharmacy and insurance. We only move to compounded bioidentical hormones when we 需要 以帮助澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台和减轻副作用所需的剂量为基础.

Different Types of 激素疗法:

1. Oral HRT Treatments


A synthetic hormone that comes in pill and tablet form. The most commonly used method of HRT. 

  • 优点: Used as a contraceptive.
  • 缺点: 2 - 4倍 increased risk of venous thromboembolism (可导致心脏病发作/中风),这取决于其他风险因素(烟草, 年龄, genetic predisposition). Cannot use with gallbladder disease, 肝脏疾病, uterine or breast cancer, predisposition to heart disease, 或者血凝块. Can also cause nausea. 

Can be synthetic or bioidentical and is also widely used. 微细孕酮可以通过传统药店或保险公司寄送. 如果需要一种剂量,而不是通过药房的普通剂量, 我们可以把它们混合在一起,为澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台创造一个个性化的剂量. 

  • 优点: Can help with stress and anxiety when given 口服ly 
  • 缺点: Dosing schedule must be followed carefully. 

2. Transdermal Creams and Topical HRT 

Can be used for estrogen and 孕酮. Compounding pharmacies can create specific doses for patients. 我们也有能力把不同类型的雌激素放在一个乳膏里.

  • 优点: Can add multiple creams in one for ease of administration. 也可以在阴道使用它们来帮助阴道症状吗. 外用雌激素与口服雌激素的血栓栓塞风险不同. Can easily change the dose if pt has side effects.
  • 缺点: 每天的药量可能略有不同,这使得给药变得困难. 局部黄体酮对睡眠和焦虑可能没有同样的效果. 如果同时使用雌激素,局部黄体酮可能不会起到保护子宫的作用.

3. 激素补丁

雌二醇贴片具有生物同一性,可以通过传统药店发放. Doses can be easily adjusted. 

  • 优点: Decreased risk of venous thromboembolism compared to 口服 estrogen. 比面霜更容易.
  • 缺点: 过多的热量或阳光直射会导致释放过多的激素. Can cause skin irritation. 

4. BioIdentical Hormone Troche

一种坚硬的片剂(类似于含片),在口腔中溶解到粘膜(颊粘膜)中。. 针筒被吹捧为是有益的,因为它们不会被“吞下”,因此-理论上-应该有更少的静脉血栓栓塞的风险. However, up to 50% of the troche is actually swallowed. It is not absorbed 100% through the buccal mucosa. 当我们吞下雌激素时,它有可能转化为雌酮,这可能会增加患乳腺癌的风险. 


  • 优点: A gentler delivery method that bypasses the liver. 可能降低血液凝固的风险(但如果吞咽50%则不会).
  • 缺点: Variations in how much medication is absorbed. May increase the risk of breast cancer. An unfavorable flavor.

5. Pellet 激素疗法 

用一个很小的切口将复合激素放置在皮肤下. 它们可以同时含有多种激素,大约有一粒米那么大. They stay in place for three months.

  • 优点: “Set it and forget it” strategies are very appealing, especially without the variables that may come with creams, 口服, 和片剂. 
  • 缺点: Once it is set, you cannot remove it. 如果你有副作用,你必须等到它自然溶解.
Finding A 功能 Medicine Doctor

Additional Treatment Tips:

Know Your Doctor’s Certifications

寻找一位优秀的功能医学医生的过程可能很难驾驭. 上过课的人和在网上的人是有明显区别的, 一个下午或一个周末)和一个受过多年正规教育并获得证书的专业人士. 有两个主要的认证可以帮助表明一个强大的供应商 Institute For 功能 Medicine (IFM)和 American Academy of Anti-Aging (A4M). 

Know What To Look For During Treatment

确保你的医生正确且定期地检测你的激素水平. There are multiple ways to test hormones (blood, 尿液, 唾液),我们会根据你服用激素的方式进行不同的测试. 重要的是要监测你的水平以及你的身体如何分解激素. Without getting this consistent insight, 因为很难分辨什么是有效的,什么是无效的. 

Be Your Own Advocate

Don’t be scared to ask questions of your provider, read over the consent forms and all of the information provided. 如果你觉得有压力接受某种特定的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网,最好是征求第二意见. 你应该对自己的决策过程感到完全自在. 


Dr. Marguerite Weston Author Bio Photo

Marguerite Weston, MD-IFMCP 他是俄亥俄州哥伦布市的一名认证功能医学医生,专门从事 variety of hormone replacement therapies. 她在运动医学和家庭实践方面都有丰富的经验, 每一个都为帮助个体患者更好地生活提供了独特的见解, more comfortable lives.

Dr. 韦斯顿一直在研究最新的健康方法和澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方法,努力为她的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台提供最好的服务. 

